Wednesday, 20 September 2017

MDM4U - day 2

Today's class had a two main goals:
1. Set up a Google Community for the course.
2. Further investigate the relationship between theoretical and experimental probability.

Task 1:
One of the overall expectations of the course is "demonstrate an understanding of the applications of data management used by the media and the advertising industry and in various occupations." In the past, I addressed this expectation by presenting current articles I have found or asked students to bring in interesting articles and we have had class discussions around these articles throughout the year.

I decided to go digital with this requirement this year. In today's class, students were asked to join a Google Community for this course. This space will be used to collect and store articles students find interesting or have statistical significance. Also, this platform also allows students to post comments on articles their peers have posted to the community. I started by posting an article myself (it was based on what conditions will be required to run a sub 2 hour marathon) and had students post a comment on either a graph or statistic they found interesting in the article. Students were also asked to post, by the Thanksgiving break) an article they find interesting. I envision this being an avenue to generate peer conversations as well as student-teacher conversations in this course. Also, my ultimate goal is to have students post one article a term for a total of 3 in the year.

Task 2:
We played Dice Bingo - with 1 standard dice. Students created a bingo board with only 5 entries similar to this:

Numbers can be repeated.

The teacher rolls the dice. If the number rolled appears on their board, they cross off one occurrence of it (so if they have three 5s and a 5 is rolled, the student only crosses off one of the 5 and leaves the other 5s in play until another 5 is rolled). If the number rolled does not appear, they do nothing. If the number rolled appears on their board but all occurrences of that number have already been crossed off, students add that value to their points total. The game ends when one student has crossed off all the numbers on their board.

At the end of the game, students add up all their points including numbers that have not been crossed off their board and the goal of the game is to get the least number of points.

We played three rounds of the game and then talked strategy.
- What numbers should you use to ensure you get the least number of points?
- What is the max number of points you can get if the game is won in 5 rolls?
- What is the minimum number of points you can get if the game is won in 5 rolls?

We will revisit the game when the teacher rolls 2 standard die and the entries on the board are the sum of the die.

Students were asked to post a comment on the article in Google Communities. Students were also asked to determine the max points possible in Dice Bingo if the game was won in 6 rolls; 8 rolls; and 10 rolls. And finally students were given practice questions determining the probability of given events using dice and cards.

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